9 Types Of People At The Bar/Club


9 Types Of People At The Bar/Club


* Above are essentials to surviving the night at a Bar/Club.

1) The Dancer.
This person is the wild one. They are literally just going out to have a serious good time. They know every word to every song and by the end of the night they got their cardio done for the week. Also, don’t hate on them. If it weren’t for them starting up the dance floor, the bar would look like a middle school dance.
** Obvi I’m number one. If you know me you know I have a signature dance move called the “Mish Hop”. It’s totally killer.

2) The Creeper.
This guy is usually super older than the average age group at the bar (roughly about 10+ years). He is alone. He has a drink in his hand along with a disturbing mustache on his face. He is “people-watching” all night in a similar fashion a “Peeping Tom” would.

3) The Texter.
Why this person left their home is the real question because honestly it is like they are not even here. They are glued to their phone to the point of creating complete disconnection with everyone around. You can usually find them leaning against a wall or sitting in a corner with their bright iPhone light shining on their face. They look up occasionally to see if their friends are still around but they’re more worried about no lapse time in-between their text messages and how many likes their pre-game Instagram photo got.

4) The Way Too Wasted Person.
This person is GONNNE. They pre-pre gamed then pre-gamed and now their just at the bar killing it and it’s only 11pm. They thought drinking five shots along with two Long Island Iced Teas all within an hour or two was a smart move. They’re kicked out by 11:08pm.

5) The Way Too Sober Person.
This is the DD. This person quickly realizes how much going out “sucks” and how “immature” everyone is. This person has a bitch-face on at all times and should be avoided at all cost.

6) The Couples.
We have two types of couples. The fun couples who get drunk and party it up with ALL their friends. We like these ones. We also have the terrible couples. They usually do not get drunk but instead go outside by a wall and just talk to each other the whole night and forget this isn’t their dinner date at The Cheesecake Factory and it’s time to socialize with others.

7) The Complainer.
Drinks cost money?! There is a cover charge?! Did you see who is here?! How are we getting home?! Typical questions of the complainer. Always something is going “TERRIBLY” wrong and they have a list of things that they need to worry about RIGHT NOW.

8) The One With The Tab.
This should be your best friend.

9) You.
If you’re reading this blog post you are 100% awesome so most likely the chillest person at the bar. Like we should probably pre-game together this Saturday.