9 Reasons Facebook Was Way More Exciting During the 2007-2009 Era


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 9 Reasons Facebook Was Way More Exciting During the 2007-2009 Era

*Well at least my Facebook experience was way more incredible.
**Probably wondering why I used a picture of me skydiving for this blog post. The excitement expressed in this picture is equivalent to the excitement I had when my mom gave me permission to make a Facebook. I wasn’t allowed to have a MySpace so this was a big day.

1) People Used To Play FarmVille.
I have FarmVille to thank for my serious consideration of a career in agriculture. Nothing was worse than waking up to dead crops. School night? Doesn’t matter I had an alarm on my phone for months set to go off at 3:49AM to water those badboys. Worth the serious sleep deprivation? Completely.

2) People Used To Post Videos On Each Other’s Walls.
Remember when people actually utilized the option to write on each other’s walls when it wasn’t just their birthday? Not only did people have legitimate conversations on Facebook walls but people used to post VIDEOS. YES! Mini heartfelt homemade motion pictures. Nothing was more special than receiving a 5:32 minute video post on your wall from your bestie of them lip-singing to High School Musical’s Start of Something New. I mean people really cared about each other back then.

3) People Used To Have Legit Pictures.
Loved the days when using your new digital camera on weekends while you were out wasn’t deemed as social suicide. Shit was on point. I had so many tags it was unreal. Now with these blurry iPhone pictures how is one supposed to update their profile picture every 5 days like we used to? It just isn’t the same.

4) People Used To Write Notes.
Actually, I hated Notes. Answering 298 questions that NO ONE would read. Or getting tagged in someone’s Note and actually being forced to read their answers to 298 questions just to realize you were only tagged because of the question, “Who was the last person you texted?” and it was you. #seriously?


I’m actually LOLing reading this Note because this is a perfect example of how BORING they were. Like who gives a FLYING DUCK if I ever write in pencil anymore!? I want to punch my 16 year old self in the face for wasting valuable minutes of my life making a shit ton of these notes and using the wrong “then” in the title.

5) People Used To Have Edited Pictures.
Before Instagram editing pictures actually took effort and serious talent. I mean look at this picture below- SO sassy. This was the true start of the graphic designers industry. Thanks Picnik!

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Photography credit goes to Kaitlin. Personally huge fan of the speech bubbles.

6) People Used To Have Really Dumb Facebook Statuses That Look Hysterical Now.
No explanation necessary- I’ll just leave this screenshot here. Just like, what?

Thanks Steph- I tried super hard to make that status have some real serious meaning to update everyone on my true exhaustion. Super glad you totes understood me on that one.

Thanks Steph- I tried super hard to make that status have some real serious meaning to update everyone on my true exhaustion. Super glad you totes understood me on that one.

7) People Used To Post MacBook Photos.
Get the new MacBook Pro for college? Better have had a whole album dedicated to you and your friends snapping over 309 photos using the Photo Booth. If you didn’t you might as well have not even have gotten the Pro. Let’s be real it’s just like Instagram and food: no picture? Never happened.


Before “selfies” was a real term. We were visionaries.

8) People Used to Poke.
I used to love “poking”. Then I learned this was a feature created and used exclusively for pedophiles.

9) It Introduced Us To Cyber-Stalking.
I’m just saying admit it-  you seriously do not want to know how many hours you wasted on Facebook during this era looking at your best friend’s older brother’s ex-girlfriends best friend’s cousin. How’d you get on their Facebook page? These are the things only God knows.